Go Faster, Stay Local with NH Broadband

Cut the Cable, Sign-up for NH Broadband. It's Fast, it's Local.

You’ve heard this one before, maybe you’ve even lived it: Why does my cable bill keep going up?

I was tired of constantly fighting about discounts and promotions. The next month – without a change in service – the bill would jump $20 or $30. The rate was always different. I threatened to leave and kept talking about it.

The McDonalds are a household with a family of five –two professionals and three kids aged 14,10 and 7 – and the devices that go along with today’s living, including a smart tv, an Amazon fire stick, three cell phones and two iPads.

“Oh sweet” is what McDonald thought when he began seeing crews installing NH Broadband fiber optic network boxes on utility poles last spring on a daily basis. Naturally, he stopped for updates about the service’s availability. A few months later, the McDonalds cut the cable bundle. In doing so, they now have a consistent monthly bill, going from at least $200 to under $100 for lightning-fast service.

Whether he or his wife Britt, a Physician’s Assistant at Speare Memorial Hospital, are using it for work, or their three daughters are using it for school, streaming or playing a game, the fiber optic service has not disappointed.

We’ve had no issues. It works the way I expect the internet to work. I think it’s great and it’s reliable.

Ready to make the switch to your hometown broadband service